田中理事 スピーチ
カラマズー会 田中榮治理事 スピーチ
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tanaka, born in the last century, tempered by war. I went to the United States almost 50 years ago, in August 1965, 2 years after the assassination of President Kennedy.
I left Haneda by Pan American Airlines for Honolulu. After a day sightseeing I went to San Francisco by United Airlines, headed to Dallas by American and then to Austin, Texas by Braniff. The Government had to use all these airlines as part of the program was financed by the budget from these airlines.
One-month orientation was held at the University of Texas. I was a bit scared walking alone at night. An ex-marine shot to death 23 pedestrians from the 27th tower top of the graduate school exactly a year after, and that is where we walked around. Mrs. Bieler summoned me to come to Kalamazoo at the end of August for registration.
At the graduate school I studied Economics. As the term granted to me was one year, I kept on studying all sessions from autumn, winter, spring and summer to receive MA in Economics and came back home in August 1966.
As America was at war in Vietnam, anti-war demonstration took place in the campus to which I could not participate. My friend got injured in Vietnam and hospitalized in Negishi, Yokohama. Some took rest and recuperation in Tokyo.
From 1975 I was stationed in San Paulo, Brazil for 7 years and from 1990 in Mexico City for 3 years, but only one-year stay in Kalamazoo gave me a lot. Kalamazoo is my starting point and I left my heart in Western Michigan University.
Welcome President Dunn, Dr. Covell and Jane-san. Let us toast for the best of WMU.